Alpha 4 - Steam Page available

I’ve finally updated the public demo as it was starting to get pretty old and there’s a fair bit of stuff that have changed since.

First and foremost, the game now has its definitive name, Snakeloop, as well as a steam page which you can find here (don’t hesitate to wishlist, that helps a lot).
Next, there were quite a lot of changes, as the game is starting to get proper shape rather than just looking like a fleshed out prototype. There’s still lots of work to do, notably with proper assets not being there for the snake or fruits yet or the audio part that will get started soon, but there’s already a fair bit of improvements on the graphics side + there’s now proper menus, transitions between levels, etc… Also, the big part of the level design is fully done as the current full version of the game already has the planned amount of levels with the work left on that part being mainly improving the player’s progression.

Rough Changelog (since Alpha 1)


  • Lots of level changes and there’s now a full 60 levels over 7 chapters for the main part of the game + extra chapter with a dozen so far harder levels - although the last chapter of the game ain’t in the public demo, same for the harder levels
  • Added a proper Level Completed screen rather than instantly switching to the next level.
  • Added Move Count (togglable through the settings) during levels, which is also shown at the end of levels. That part is still WIP but move count will be used as a metric for success in future updates.
  • Fixed issues with moving +3 snakes next to each other that could result to unwanted fusions.


  • There’s now a menu background with a 3d preview of levels.
  • Seamless transitions between menu & levels.
  • Levels’ outside walls now expand infinitely rather than having void around levels.
  • Walls’ corners are now rounded. Rounded Snake will come next.


  • Game finally has a name.
  • Did a lot of refactoring and getting rid of old prototyping code so adding future features will be easier and cleaner.

Files 31 MB
17 days ago

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