Alpha 7

There was no update last week as I took a break during the recent heatwave we had in the south of France.

I’m now back to working on the game so here’s a new update.


New : Complete Stats UI

  • Added most of the player’s stats in the top-right corner : Damage, Cooldown, Speed, Width, etc…
  • By default, this panel shows up only when the Upgrades/Artifacts pop up is open.
  • Added a Setting option to change the visibility of this panel. It can be set to Always, On Upgrades (default) or Never.


  • Reworked Health Drops Artifact’s Upgrades. Extra hearts are spawned instead of a single heart giving more life. Total Heal remains the same 5/10/15, just now spread over 1/2/3 hearts.


  • Added translations for Upgrades & Artifacts in French. Spanish and German are still missing for now.
  • Fixed Wave Start/Clear and Special Waves Texts not switching language instantly.
  • Fixed Upgrades’ Titles & Descriptions not switching language instantly.
  • Fixed Upgrades’ Titles & Descriptions overflowing when too long.
  • Added Basic Steam Integration & Steam Cloud. Note : This is only for the standalone builds.

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Aug 27, 2023

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