Alpha 4


New System - Artifacts

Artifacts are powerful upgrades that will have a major impact on your run.

  • Artifacts can be picked every 5 waves, starting Wave 1. In other words, at beginning of waves 1-6-11-16.
  • Each artifact unlocks 2 ugprades. First one is immediately available in the pool of upgrades while the second will become available at the next 5 waves cycle.
  • Artifacts are picked the same way as upgrades.
  • XP Magnet is now an artifact. Extra upgrades improve the Magnet’s range.
  • Shield is now an artifact. Extra upgrades improve the Max Shield capacity.
  • Lower Limit is now an artifact. Extra upgrades will move the line further down.

New Artifact - Extra Upgrade Option

  • Extra Option Artifact gives a 4th option during Upgrade picks. This allows for more control on which upgrades you want to pick.
  • Its extra ‘upgrades’ are two Reroll Upgrades (see below).

New Mechanic - Reroll Upgrades

  • Reroll Upgrade will reroll the current set of upgrades offered at level up.
  • Just like any other upgrade, it’ll disappear from the upgrade pool once used.

Other Balance Changes

  • XP required to Level Up is now slightly exponential starting at level 10. This means that level ups are less frequent in late game and waves 6-15 are a bit harder as you complete all upgrades later than before.

Menu & UI

  • Mouse can now be used to pick Upgrades and Artifacts. The mouse cursor will appear once you move the mouse.
  • Increased the time before the Mouse hides itself in the Menus to 1.5s (from 1s).
  • Fixed User’s Score not being highlighted properly in the Leaderboards. Bug was introduced in Alpha 1.
  • Fixed Life sometimes appearing as Shielded at the beginning of a run after a Restart.

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