Alpha 2

While there’s no real major changes this week, there’s still a bit of new content with a new upgrade, the XP Magnet, and some rework of how updates are being rolled that will help make runs more regular and less randoms early on while giving more room for finetuning the balance in future updates.

I couldn’t work as much as I wanted this week as my main laptop’s cpu fan kinda died. I’ll receive a new fan to replace it during the week and in the meantime I can work on an old laptop, so it should’t have too much of an impact on the development (maybe a bit less stuff in next week’s update).

Changes in Alpha 2

New Content : XP Magnet Upgrade

  • XP Magnet Upgrade attracts the nearby falling XP Bonus, making it easier to catch XP.
  • It only has a single tier right now.
  • It becomes available after Wave 10. See below in Balance for details on that.


  • Certain Upgrades can now only be rolled starting Wave 6 or Wave 11. This will reduce the randomness of upgrades early on, as the likelihood of rolling special balls early ends up increased while upgrades that are less useful early on are less likely or impossible. Things like have 5 balls by Wave 5 will also no longer be possible.
  • Upgrades unlocked at Wave 6 : 3rd Player Speed, 3rd Player Width, 3rd Max Health, 1st Better Health Bonus, 3rd Ball Respawn Cooldown, 2nd Ball Damage, 3rd XP Gain, 3rd Extra Ball (4th Ball), Lower Limit
  • Upgrades unlocked at Wave 11 : 4th Player Width, 4th Max Health, 2nd Better Health Bonus, 4th Ball Respawn Cooldown, 3rd Ball Damage, 4th Extra Ball (5th Ball), XP Magnet
  • The zone where Balls & XP get destroyed has been slightly lowered. This makes last moment saves more easy to perform.


  • The menus’ cursor now adapts to the color of the thing it is on. It is now blue when it is on the blue Wishlist button.
  • Menu’s AI adapts a bit better to Width Upgrades.
  • Fixed Homing Ball’s Destroy VFX not being Green.

Low Quality GIF showcasing the XP Magnet

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