Prototype 7

Changes since Prototype 6

New Content

  • Added a Max Health Upgrade.
  • Added a Health Bonus Upgrade.

Gameplay & Balance

  • Waves have been rebalanced. The difficulty curve is less exponential, earlier waves are a bit shorter and the game is somewhat balanced for 12-13 waves (around 12-15 minutes of gameplay).
  • Decreased number of XP gain upgrades from 4 to 3.
  • XP to level up has been increased from 1+1LEVEL to 2+1LEVEL
  • Upgrades to balls’ speed and damage now apply to balls that were already launched.
  • Upgrading a normal ball to a special ball while it was generated but not yet launched will change the already generated accordingly.
  • Health Bonus now drop down faster.
  • Wave Clear text time has been lengthened a bit.
  • Improved the way balls collide & reflect on the paddle’s sides.


  • Added Hearts to display Health. It’s not perfect and probably not definitive but better than a simple text.
  • Added a VFX upon Bricks being destroyed.
  • Added dedicated VFX to special balls’ deaths.
  • Added a ‘Revive’ VFX to Second Chance Balls.
  • Default Ball Hit VFX is a bit smaller.


  • Fixed Double Damage Ball not working properly.
  • Fixed Cooldowns being wrongly displayed between waves.
  • Fixed Balls getting stuck in walls under certain conditions.
  • Fixed Level Up Screen not closing properly if you had multiple level ups at once and ran out of upgrades available.

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Apr 28, 2023

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